The Challenge...

Welcome to our blog! We are a bio-mom (Stephanie) and step-mom (Trisha) who have put our differences aside and are going to join forces and lose the weight we have been struggling with for some time. We have a competitive streak between us, and we are going to turn it around to positive energy and benefit ourselves and our family.

We will be having fun weekly challenges to help keep us motivated as well as weekly weigh ins. The weigh in will be by percentage. (Loss divided by weight before loss = percentage)

We will blog about our experiences, our losses and our gains.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Yes I am here.

So I couldn't bring myself to write yesterday.  I was soooo totally bummed.  I had no loss and no gain.  Still at 186.  But then I realized.  TOM.  Why or why does it have to get in the way??? 

I exercised and exercised and I am feeling good!  I did bleachers and did interval walk/jog on the treadmill.  I made sure to get it in even though I needed a nap.  I made good choices on food at the wedding I attended and watched my portions.  But at least this will pass... and it is a new week. 

So my goal is once again to lose those two pounds.  And I need to watch my water intake and make sure I am getting plenty, so I need to get back to basics and focus on that as well. 

A NSV is that I am wearing pre-pregnancy pants! :)  They are a little tight but I am wearing them proudly!

Good job Trisha!  :) 

Hey, Stephanie! I tried to leave this comment on your other blog, but it says that my accounts (including our battleofthe bulges) don't have, here it is here instead!

Yeah for the CSA!! Are you doing the local 8th Street Greens CSA? Awesome!! So, you can join part way through the year then? That's cool! You should blog about the details :)
OK, so as far as the no loss (and, good job on the no gain!!), remember what my friend said that REALLY is have to faith that all of your good choices are making a difference on the inside that just isn't showing on the outside yet :))))

I know I can't leave comments either...don't know what the deal is.  Yep, 8th St. Greens!  You can join anytime I believe.  Shannon (the owner) just broke down the difference and that I am just paying for what is left in the season.  I believe there is 8 weeks left and I get my first box tomorrow!!!  I will definitely share my experience!!! 

I just posted about my measurements.  That made the number on the scale seem not so important!!!  thanks Trisha!

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