The Challenge...

Welcome to our blog! We are a bio-mom (Stephanie) and step-mom (Trisha) who have put our differences aside and are going to join forces and lose the weight we have been struggling with for some time. We have a competitive streak between us, and we are going to turn it around to positive energy and benefit ourselves and our family.

We will be having fun weekly challenges to help keep us motivated as well as weekly weigh ins. The weigh in will be by percentage. (Loss divided by weight before loss = percentage)

We will blog about our experiences, our losses and our gains.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Trisha's Weigh-In and Review

Wahoo! I am happy with today's scale reading at 227.2. That's 1.2 down or .53%. Running total from this challenge down 8.2 pounds :))) I didn't expect a big loss or even one at all since it was the lovely extra-water-retention-time. Here's how I have been doing for the summer!

I had a really busy weekend, shocking, I know! LOL But, I have really simplified things in my life, and it makes me feel so much more lighter!

So, updates on all the challenges:
1) I ate fast food?!?! I ate Friday night at Dairy Queen. I had a hamburger and french fries and water, and I felt totally GROSS!       :(   PROCESSED and ICKY
2) I had a fabulously yummy steak salad at Corner Bistro for dinner on Saturday night.
3) I did not run or intentionally exercise all weekend, though I know all the work I did for the yard sale (going through all of storage, and then moving storage from one unit to another, loading and hauling four pick-up truck loads of stuff, you get the drift).
4) I was good for water over the weekend!
5) Did I eat fruit this weekend? I did have veggies. Oh, and does an Orange Julius count for fruit? Yeah, I had one of those yesterday.  (only 330 calories, said with sarcastic tone of voice).

In the end, I didn't overeat, and if my calories were all counted, I was still down. BUT, what I did put in my body wasn't necessarily what it needed and truly wanted. It is still somewhat surprising to me that I lost weight considering. But, I wasn't out of control.

Last week was a weird one all around.  I am curious to see if it is like this each month (if that is even regular for me) least now I am aware of the changes in my mood  and motivation based on what's happening hormonally.

I feel all focused and ready to go this week! We are headed down to the store to stock up. I have my meals and exercise planned for  the week. I hope this next week is a BIG loss! I am hoping for two pounds, that's the goal!! I will have to weigh-in on Sunday morning (short a day) because we are headed off on vacation on Sunday. That could be a challenge...though I am working on the plan for that right now!!

The other big challenge I am feeling is when I get back to work. I am not so worried about eating, but I am concerned with the time for exercising, though I am working on a plan for that, too.

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