The Challenge...

Welcome to our blog! We are a bio-mom (Stephanie) and step-mom (Trisha) who have put our differences aside and are going to join forces and lose the weight we have been struggling with for some time. We have a competitive streak between us, and we are going to turn it around to positive energy and benefit ourselves and our family.

We will be having fun weekly challenges to help keep us motivated as well as weekly weigh ins. The weigh in will be by percentage. (Loss divided by weight before loss = percentage)

We will blog about our experiences, our losses and our gains.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Stephanie's Monday Weigh In...

This morning as I rolled out of bed and headed to the scale...stepped on and it read...188.8 (.63%) that is a 1.2 loss from last Monday!

I was shocked!  It is TOM for me and I expected a gain cause I feel so bloated!!!  But I was happy freaking jumping up and down with my small loss!!  I am steadily climbing down the ladder!!!  So since the challenge has started that is a total of 5.2 pounds!  Not too shabby! :) 

This weekend the small things I did for myself was take a nap when my baby boy (who is 5 months today!) napped.  He was up most of the night Saturday night so I was extrememly tired Sunday.  I so badly wanted to snack too.  So obviously loss of sleep is a major food obstacle for me.  Also, I found out some medical issues are arising in my family that is going to be extrememly stressful and emotional for me.  I wanted to snack then I see that I am a total emotional eater as well!  So seeing this happening makes me want to figure out ways to cope otherwise.  Exercise isn't always an option for relief, so I need some other coping mechanisms...any ideas? 

This morning, I did my "do something for myself".  I bought myself some fresh strawberries for the day and a desk calendar!!  I love calendars!  :)

Other coping ideas when exercise isn't an option...can you write? When I am able to write I can feel an incredible purge! Or, if you are going to snack ONLY allow yourself carrots or celery or whatever like that. And, what REALLY works for me is drinking enough water to feel like I am going to drown. SERIOUSLY, then I am so full and bloated that I can't even think about eating. I get this, Stephanie! I am such an emotional eater myself.
Feeling your pain...

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