The Challenge...

Welcome to our blog! We are a bio-mom (Stephanie) and step-mom (Trisha) who have put our differences aside and are going to join forces and lose the weight we have been struggling with for some time. We have a competitive streak between us, and we are going to turn it around to positive energy and benefit ourselves and our family.

We will be having fun weekly challenges to help keep us motivated as well as weekly weigh ins. The weigh in will be by percentage. (Loss divided by weight before loss = percentage)

We will blog about our experiences, our losses and our gains.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weigh in

Last week: 183.3
This week: 184

Sooo tired of the roller coaster!!!!  I need to shake this!!!  I have been journaling food, and exercising.  But I think I need to amp it up a bit.  I need to double check my portion sizes.  And I need to move even more. 

I will do this.  I have to do this.  I can do this.

YES, YOU CAN! I am so proud of your exercise!! Remember that you are making changes on the inside, both healhty heart-wise and healthy head-wise :))) YAHOO!

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