The Challenge...

Welcome to our blog! We are a bio-mom (Stephanie) and step-mom (Trisha) who have put our differences aside and are going to join forces and lose the weight we have been struggling with for some time. We have a competitive streak between us, and we are going to turn it around to positive energy and benefit ourselves and our family.

We will be having fun weekly challenges to help keep us motivated as well as weekly weigh ins. The weigh in will be by percentage. (Loss divided by weight before loss = percentage)

We will blog about our experiences, our losses and our gains.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Checking in!

Well I took a hiatus from dieting. Or at least the word dieting.  I am dealing with my issues and life.  I didn't have time to let "dieting" consume me. I had a husband who I basically didn't see and my kids.  When my husband is working crazy ranch hours, it makes "dieting" hard.  I basically don't sit with my family during the week unless they sit at the kitchen table, which my daughter does, until the weekend.  I am busy picking up and cooking, doing homework, folding clothes, talking baby talk to my boy, having girl talks with my girl, packing lunches, making coffee, making breakfast, reminding others of their tasks, changing diapers, making sure my boy isn't eating something he shouldn't or pulling the dogs hair! :) I wake at 4:30 and I go to bed by 8.  I leave the house at 7 and get home at 6.  When my husband is home, the house runs more smoothly because he keeps me calm and takes some chores so I don't have to do everything and I get to sit or at least breathe.  Last week, I was exhausted.  I run on auto pilot and when a moment of quiet passes, I see that I need to sit and breathe.  I know that making time for myself is the key to this journey and making myself a priority, but seriously folks, unless you have the support and a nanny, exercise is hard to fit in!!! Yes, I know you can incorporate moves in when playing, but I am talking about jogging on the treadmill or doing a DVD.  After making sure everyone was on track and had eaten and had clean clothes and homework done, I just wanted to spend any moment I could with my family, not with the treadmill.  So I didn't have a loss, but I did have a gain...a gain of not feeling guilty over spending time with my family over exercising my butt off.  I did do my walks and such during the day, but nothing extra.  And you know what...I'M OK WITH THAT!

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